A website is possibly the most important marketing tool a business can have and most times, a URL is easier to remember than a phone number. Having a professional, well designed website with the right content, easy-to-use navigation and quickly accessible contact details greatly increases customer response and interaction with your company. Your web site, database, mobile, marketing and other elements of your business nucleus help connect you with your target audience.


Responsive Web Design represents a new way of thinking in today’s technologically advanced age.

Some people say responsive web design is the future of how web sites will be designed. We say the future is now and why wait, the technology is here. There is no doubt that responsive web design is the new standard and companies that adapt now will maintain a competitive advantage.

In short, responsive web design is designing websites that will be responsive to the wide variety of screen formats and device types that are out there. This includes designing websites that look and function well on mobile devices, tablets, notebooks, and wide screens.

  • Responsive web design makes your site much easier to use on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones.
  • Responsive web design is a web building technique that uses small pieces of code called media queries to detect the size of the screen that is connecting to your website.
  • The media queries then interact with the HTML and CSS code within your site to resize and re-configure your site’s content to best fit the device that it is being viewed on.
  • Responsive web design was developed to meet the growing need for user’s sites be more functional on mobile phones and tablets without having to pay for full blown app development.

We will build your website using a framework that can easily be adapted to work across multiple screen sizes.

With input from the client, we decide what content is the most relevant and where to place it (or remove it) depending on which screen size the site is being viewed on. We then code according to the determined results.

The challenge of responsive design is for graphic designers to work closely with developers and marketers to create a website that will seamlessly respond to the user’s environment, based on the specific device, size, resolution, technical capabilities, and so forth. The goal is crafting responsive designs that work not only on today’s devices, but those that can be made future-proof as well.

JGD Designs makes responsive web design an iterative process between our designers, developers, and the client. This approach produces a truly organic solution. The result for the client is an experience that does not deviate too far from the usual development process but raises the bar in a more complete and successful website solution.